How to convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin?
To convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin, use this formula:
K = (°F - 32) × 5/9 + 273.15
- -459.67°F = 0 K (absolute zero)
- 32°F = 273.15 K (freezing point of water)
- 212°F = 373.15 K (boiling point of water)
When to use Fahrenheit to Kelvin conversion?
Important for:
- Scientific research requiring absolute temperature measurements
- Advanced physics and chemistry calculations
- International collaboration with US-based teams
- Thermodynamic modeling in engineering projects
- Converting historical temperature data to SI units
Other Conversions
Trusted Sources for Further Reading
- International System of Units (NIST) - Official standards body for measurements.
- History of the Kilometer (Encyclopædia Britannica) - Historical context.
- Advanced Unit Calculator (Wolfram Alpha) - For complex calculations.