How to convert ounces to grams?
To convert ounces to grams, multiply the number of ounces by 28.3495. For example:
- 1 ounce = 28.3495 grams
- 8 ounces = 226.796 grams
- 16 ounces = 453.592 grams
When to use ounces to grams conversion?
This conversion is useful in various situations:
- Preparing recipes that use metric measurements
- Weighing precious metals like gold or silver
- Measuring pharmaceutical dosages accurately
- Crafting and DIY projects with material specifications
Other Conversions
Trusted Sources for Further Reading
- International System of Units (NIST) - Official standards body for measurements.
- History of the Kilometer (Encyclopædia Britannica) - Historical context.
- Advanced Unit Calculator (Wolfram Alpha) - For complex calculations.